Employee Spotlight: Ericci A.


#EmployeeSpotlight Massage Therapist Ericci A.

Get to know our team of talented therapists! Meet ME SPA massage therapist Ericci A. Since her start with us in 2017, Ericci has risen to the top of ME SPA’s massage department to become one of our most requested therapists (she is often booked out several months in advance!). Ericci’s positive attitude and mindset brings a great value to our team and we couldn’t be more proud of her.

Q&A with Ericci

What inspired you to become a massage therapist?

Growing up my father had to push his body to the extreme working as a mason. Thanks to weekly massages, he was able to continue to work and provide for his wife and 9 kids. 

What is your favorite part about your job?

My favorite part about my job is helping others alleviate discomfort and pain…even if it's for a short period of time. I hope that massage can help others as much as it helped my father. 

Favorite ME SPA service: 

Deep Tissue Massage 

What are your favorite enhancements to add to massage services? 

Cupping Detox Therapy  - assists with lymphatic drainage, pain management and increased blood flow

Percussive Therapy - provides added relief for pain and increased range of motion. 

All-time Favorite Product: 

Muscle Recovery Balm 

Best Self-Care Tip: 

Hydrate, stretch, stay active and repeat!

Start your new year off properly with a massage from our team of talented massage therapists who are here to help you find peace, balance and renewal. If you’ve been thinking about booking a massage, now is the time.


Cupid Approved Valentine’s Day Spa Deals


Happy New Year from ME!