Happy Holidays from ME!

Dear Guests,

Anyone who knows me is aware that I cannot tell a lie. This can sometimes be an admirable quality, while other times…Well, let’s just say I would probably be better off listening to my wise grandmother’s words, “Lisa, best to stay quiet and not unload to the world every iota of what you are feeling." Nonetheless, I must admit I cheated this year when I began to write this holiday letter to you. Normally, I can look back at a year and easily recall our accomplishments and struggles. This time, I was stumped. At first, I searched online for other official CEO holiday letters to customers but quickly realized mimicking a generic letter is not my style. Suddenly, I remembered my letter from last year and looking back at 2021, I became amazed at how apropo it remains.

As you may recall, I talked about how my family and I began our small business, now over seven years ago, as a dedication to my late mother Ruth who passed away before her time due to Pulmonary Fibrosis. My mother inspired me in many ways and I try to channel her energy through ME SPA. My mother was a hard worker, having a PhD in clinical psychology and owning her own private practice. I believe she instilled in me that same hard work ethic. She was a great mom, wife and threw the most amazing parties (one year she insisted on a Hawaiian luau themed celebration for my dad’s 40th and made him wear a coconut bra). What I think impresses me the most about my mom was her uncanny ability to take time out for herself. She played tennis twice a week and absolutely LOVED HER SPA TIME. Because of her, I have a greater appreciation of the need for wellness and self-care and feel fortunate that I am able to center my career around providing that for people.


As we enter this time of appreciation for those we care about most, I and our corporate team want to express our deepest gratitude to our valued guests. The last two years have been the most challenging that we have experienced thus far, not only as a business, but personally. Nonetheless, it has compelled us to take an honest look at what we find important in life.

In 2021, we watched as so many of you rejoined our spas, demonstrating an even greater necessity for human connection. This has made us profoundly aware of our heightened responsibility to provide a place of respite for our guests and our communities. Side by side, you have adapted and evolved with us at every twist and turn and we are immensely appreciative. We also want to give a shout out to our amazing employees. Working on the front lines, they have risen to so many challenges. We want you to know that they care for you not only with their hands, but also with their hearts.

I am humbled by the continued loyalty of our longtime guests, many of you since the inception of ME SPA, and honored by those that joined us more recently.

On behalf of myself and the entire ME SPA family, we wish you and your loved ones the very brightest of holiday seasons and that the coming year be filled with an abundance of happiness.

With Gratitude,
Lisa Nissanoff | CEO ME SPA


Click here to get to know our core team better and learn about some of our quirks and personal anecdotes

Did you know a portion of our membership proceeds go toward finding a cure for Pulmonary Fibrosis in memory of our Cofounder and CEO Lisa Nissanoff’s mother Ruth? Click here to learn more.


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Happy New Year from ME!


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