Is a Chemical Peel Right For Me?

Mid-September marks the beginning of Facial Peel Season! To peel or not to peel is the question. You may be wondering, “Is a chemical peel right for ME”?  Read on to learn more about our peel treatments and post-peel skin care recommendations.

What is a “chemical peel?”

A chemical peel, also known as a facial peel, is a rejuvenating and exfoliating treatment to resurface the skin’s texture, tone, and pigmentation. Chemical peels penetrate deeply into the underlying skin layers to stimulate collagen and elastin production which keeps our skin firm and tight. Professional peel treatment solutions are derived from both natural and lab created sources.  They are designed to encourage a rapid exfoliation of the dead skin cells, or “peeling”. When we are younger our skin exfoliates on its own every 28 days. As we age, the process gets longer and longer so we need to help it stay healthy and youthful looking by doing regular deep exfoliation treatments.

Facial peel treatments will effectively help to: 

  • Increase collagen and elastin production

  • Help reduce acne, scarring and sun damage

  • Provide professional grade exfoliation

  • Improve skin tone and texture

  • Reduce fine lines and wrinkles

Book NOW to receive a peel between September 22 - October 6 for exclusive event pricing!

Facial Peel Treatments: 

  • Basic Peel | A 30 min gentle facial peel treatment

    • A gentle fruit enzyme based peel that removes the outer layer of the skin. Good for sensitive skin and those new to chemical peels looking to treat fine lines, wrinkles, acne and uneven skin tone and dryness. 

  • Advanced Peel | A 30 min progressive facial peel treatment

    • More active treatment with stronger results that removes the outer layer of the skin and the top of the middle layer of the skin. *Must have completed at least one basic peel prior to receiving and advanced peel treatment. 

What to expect after a facial peel treatment?

Immediately after your peel, your skin will feel stimulated and possibly a little flushed, similar to the feeling after a facial. In approximately 48 hours your skin will start to feel a little tight and dry and will then start to lightly flake, slough or “peel”. You can minimize the flaking by keeping your skin very well hydrated by using moisturizers and sun protection during this time. 


PFF Walk Day 2021


Peel Event & IMAGE Skincare Sale